Foot Reflexology
Reflexology is a deeply relaxing, holistic therapy that uses massage and pressure to specific points on the feet to balance the whole body. The theory behind Reflexology is that different points on the feet and lower legs correspond with certain areas in the body. The reflex point for the shoulder, for example, is the small pad under the little toe and if a client has said they have very tight shoulders then I would expect to feel that tightness in that part of the foot. As a therapist, when you find areas out of balance you then pay particular attention to those areas during the treatment. Reflexology aids relaxation, helps to release tension, can improve mood, aids sleep and improve wellbeing.
Lots of people when they first come for an appointment worry about their feet and always apologise for them, but I am being honest when I say I haven’t had a pair of feet put me off yet! Another common thought is that people will find the treatment ticklish, and I think people are really surprised that it doesn’t tickle at all and even those with the most ticklish feet relax within seconds of the treatment beginning.